Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My thoughts are being processed . . .

I have been reading The Bloggess a lot lately and am trying to push through all the ideas I have to start blogging differently . . . or maybe more realistically.  If you've ever read her blog or seen any of her online posts and know me, you know that this is right up my alley.  I tend to try to make things "fit" a little too much when I write things down.  I think it's the idea that I get a chance to proof read and change things to make them sound the best they can.  Well, after reading posts from The Bloggess like this one, which everyone should read, I think I should write more "stream of consciousness" rather than like I'm writing a short story.

So look out . . . I have a few things in mind and I should just put it to post instead of brooding over what to write about.

Also, there will probably be more "conversations" (if I can remember them, or maybe I'll make up what I don't remember lol) because I like that format a lot.

There I go, like I should care about a "format" anymore .  . . I don't think my stream of consciousness would really care.

Anyway, so that's my update for now.  Hopefully you will see a lot more blog posts in the near future.

And check out The Bloggess if you haven't . . . and why you haven't, I don't know, nor do I care . . . just do it!
