It's been another tough week, so I need to really appreciate what I do have. Here's my list for this week of what I am thankful for:
1. Wilfred - if you haven't heard of this show and have a strange sense of humor (or one similar to mine) I highly recommend seeing this show. It's our show not to miss during the week (even though I missed this week's, but we'll catch up). It's on Thursdays at 10pm on FX and I am shocked at what they get away with on this show. Plus, it was adapted from an Australian show and the main character is played by the same actor for both shows. From what I can tell both renditions are still aired on tv. Check it out, seriously. It's hilarious.
2. Red State - Okay, so I haven't seen it yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie. Hopefully I can get internet up and running so I can see it soon.

3. Chrysanthemums - I bought some pretty mums the other day for one of my new managers for a welcome present. I'm not sure if he will actually take care of them, but I really liked how they looked.
4. NO RENT!! - We have officially moved out and when my 1st of the month check hit my account this week it was awesome to know that I didn't have to automatically turn it around and pay rent. We also got most of our deposit back yesterday when we did our final walkthrough. It is lovely not to feel broke right at the beginning of the month.
5. Nostalg

So there you have it for this week. Added bonus - 6. Labor day weekend!!!
Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!
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