I auditioned during the general auditions, meaning I could be called or cast for any of their shows for the upcoming season. I thought for certain after my audition that I was a different animal than what they wanted and would not hear back from them again. So, when I got an email saying I had gotten a call back I was surprised. Then, to find out it was for the Color Purple, I was shocked.
My first thought was, aren't I the wrong color for this show? I mean, I was being creative when I wrote down the parts I thought I could play, but I didn't think they would take it seriously. It was more a bold move at a new company that made me do it. Guess it's paying off lol.
Don't get me wrong, I was honored and delighted to get a call back - my first ever, actually. I was just puzzled as to why I made the cut, especially for this show.
Maybe they didn't have enough people so they had to be a little more creative? I went with that train of thought as the most feasible.
I was wrong. I got to the call back auditions and felt very much in the minority. I know I got a few stares from the people already there.
We did 2 scenes and a bit of singing. Overall it went well and I did what I could to do my best at the acting . . . the singing came pretty easily to me. Who knows if they will pick me for any part, but they must have had something in mind to call me back in to audition again. I'll let you know if I hear anything back from this whole experience.
There is a bit of a theme right now, first the Color Purple, next up is auditions for South Pacific - which is getting more and more racist as I research it.
I'm used to being a minority, and reveling in the fact that I am (half Taiwanese, half Scottish, fyi), but sometimes I feel we don't need to bring attention to that particular aspect of people. I dunno . . . maybe it's something some people think about all the time, but I kinda thought we were past separation like that.
Although, I'm finding in the the theatre world, everything is up for scrutiny.
Anyway, just thought I would write about this little experience. We'll see what comes out of it all :).
good luck girlie!!!