Alright, my last blog was pretty bleak, but I hope that it is clear that I am trying to make things better and work through my circumstances as best I can. I want this to be a more light-hearted and fun place, but we'll see how that goes.
More than anything I want it to be real. It's about my life as it goes along. I'm hoping that it will lead to something, but not exactly sure what. I've thought about sectioning out my hobbies/ideas to different blogs, but I have a tough enough time getting followers on one blog . . . how could I get anyone to read multiple ones?
At any rate, it's fun writing about things. I don't want to copy J on her posts, but I like the ideas she's come up with so far. My brain is pretty scattered these days and focusing on one theme is tough sometimes. I have gotten so used to the 144 character format that writing a longer post will take some time to get back into.
Up next - getting control of some of my issues.
I went to a Zumba class the other day. My neighbor talked about it and I finally decided to go. I have a gym membership that I am currently sitting on until we move, but I used to go to their Zumba class for a little. Unfortunately I don't like the "watch what I do" teaching method they had at my gym so I stopped going. I took ballroom dance lessons for a couple years, so I love dancing as exercise, but Zumba is sort of a bastardization of latin dance moves and exercise moves put together, so it can get difficult for me.
I had fun at the class the other night, but because I'm moving soon I don't know if I will get a chance to go again. Let's hope there's a good Zumba class near where we're moving. Either that or I need to get the Zumba game for the Wii.
Adding to this healthy theme I am trying to get back on is a visit to a nutritionist today after work. She specializes in PCOS nutrition which I have been trying to figure out myself for a couple years now. I had to fill out a questionnaire and wasn't sure if I answered clearly, but since I'm going for an hour-long appointment I will explain if she asks. Here are some of the questions that made me stop and think:
1. What are your favorite foods?
2. Do you currently eat all of these? if not, why?
3. Are there foods you consider "good"?
4. Are there foods you consider "bad"?
5. What is your definition of normal eating?
6. Describe what hunger feels like to you.
7. Describe what fullness feels like to you.
It is a 4-page questionnaire and I'm glad it made me think a little (and make me want to look up definitions online). I'm hoping it will be a good consultation. Luckily my health insurance should cover it, so that definitely helps. Now I just have to make the time to make this a priority in my everyday life.
When it comes to diets or food changes I tend to have commitment issues. Most turn to short-term changes and not continuing life changes. Getting older and having more issues with my PCOS symptoms makes it more of an issue to push for a long-term change.
With rehearsals looming in the next months (which I haven't talked about on here yet) now is the best time for me to get things started. We'll see how much I get in the way of myself this time. I'll definitely keep you updated - if nothing else to help me stay on track and be accountable.
More next time :). I have a lot to talk about, so expect more soon!
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