If there was a movie made about you/your life/something that involved you - what actor/actress would play you?
The most recent depiction of that question I came upon was due to a Facebook meme that went as such:

1st person turns you in
2nd person knows but doesn't tell anyone
3rd person is your partner in crime
4th person is your first victim
5th person tries to kill you
6th person is the police officer that arrested you
7th person is your lawyer
8th person writes a tell-all novel.
I don't know if you have seen this, but on my friend's page it somehow turned into a potential movie. Who would play each person in a movie about this situation? I was on this list and I asked my friend to come up with an actress who would play me. I have a tough time coming up with actresses because I tend to lean toward Asian ones since that's my background. I do know, however, that I do not look that typically Asian these days plus there aren't that many Asian actresses that are well-known or in my general age group right now.
So, who would you cast me as? Who would you cast to play you? I'll tell you in a bit what was chosen for me in this latest scenario.
In my past there was a tradition in my college choir group to do this sort of list every year with the members in the choir. We called it the "Choir Movie List" and a group of us would come up with actors and actresses who best depict each member of the choir. I was always surprised by who they came up with. I don't remember all 3 years I was in choir what actress I got, but here are the ones I remember: Tia Carerre (I remember her most from Wayne's World lol)
and Shannon Doherty.
We also did a "Music video List" on our overseas tour where I got Janet Jackson (well before her "nipple slip" incident).
Now, it's tough to say what they took into account when choosing an actress for me, but usually it's a mix of looks and personality. Shannon Doherty, really?? I was surprised and hurt when I heard that's who they chose for me. It was just weird for me and I took it really personally. So much so that I remember to this day that it was chosen for me. Now I don't think it would affect me as much, but I would still wonder why.
The latest one they chose for me for the serial killer meme is Selma Blair.
I was as flattered because I have always thought she was pretty and had a quirky and fun personality. With my current self-esteem/weight issues it was nice to see others can see me as someone like her. How nice of them :).
Thanks for going on this little ride with me today. Let me know if it inspires a blog for you too :).
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