Monday, December 19, 2011
It's personal
I've been quelling my feelings because my husband has a lot to think about - he is the one going under the knife afterall. My role is to truly be the supportive wife, for real and not just in words. I have made it this far with few tears and no breakdowns, but I am not sure how tomorrow will go.
I just thought I would update a bit and let you know I hope to get to more light-hearted topics soon. If all goes well I will have almost 2 weeks of time to write on here . . . which might be too much after such sporadic blogging as of late lol.
I love my husband very much and I just want us to be able to move on and work on all the wonderful things we have been planning for.
More on that next time - I should be in bed.
Thanks for reading.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Five on Friday - Girlie Style
1. Auditions - It may sound weird that I'm happy/thankful/glad for auditions, but I am. As stressed as I get about doing well, I know it gives me that much more practice to getting where I want to be. We'll see what happens after Sunday, but I'm going to give it my best shot.
2. Memories - I'm having to pull from my experiences lately and it brings up a lot of my past. I find myself telling stories to my coworkers a lot these days (remind me to tell you about the blanket at work story). I'll have to remember to write them down so I can post some here.
3. Being crafty - I finally got a chance to pick up some things for making Christmas presents and I can't wait until I can work on them.
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Not my machine, but it's a Singer :) |
4. Nailpolish - I have an awesome new polish on my nails right now and I totally think they look beautiful. I've really gotten into nail blogs lately, so hopefully I'll be able to do some cool stuff and show everyone.
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Orly Rock Solid - I have it on my nails now |
5. Pink! - I love the color pink. It took me a long time to admit to that, but once I did it was all over. I have a lot of pink things and I even had a pink car at one time.
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Pink hair! |
It's kind of truncated today because I've been busy with work and life, but when am I not? lol
Have a wonderful weekend! Only 15 more days until Christmas!! Ahhh!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
You like me! You really like me :)
Maria Callas and Marilyn Monroe |
I promise, I will get to writing the second installment of my Gamer Girl story soon.
Let me take a bit of time and ask this - what would you like to see me write about? Any subjects or thoughts you want to see on here?
I can get a little scattered and I've learned I have an absolutely horrible memory these days, so I'm just wondering what the visitors and readers of my blog want to read about. Feel free to suggest anything and I'll take a stab at it and give you credit for the idea :). You can find a bit of what I focus my blogs on here - for a look at what makes me who I am.
I received a Versatile Blogger Award from my lovely friend Jaime awhile back, but honestly, with only 5 followers, I didn't feel at all worthy of the award. I really should award others though, but most of the blogs I have in my sidebar have already won the award or even better awards. That's partly why I follow them - to read great stuff and hopefully get some insight on how to blog better.
For now I think just being honest and real is the best way to go.
So let me know if there's anything you want to know about me or my life. I try to be as open and inviting as I can. And please let me know about your blog too. I would love to read what you have to say :).
Thanks for stopping by and I hope it's not the only time!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Commuting sucks my soul
1. I leave my house at 6:05ish to get down to the train station early enough to get a parking spot.
2. I park in my "hidden" parking spot and put in my contacts and make myself presentable at that ungodly hour of the morning with makeup. The parking on the street near the station went to 4 hours only a few months ago, so many people are scrambling to find parking these days. Either that or they do the park and ride and take a bus to the station. I won't even talk about where I park to anyone near the trains because I don't want to lose my spot and have to take just one more means of public transportation to get to work - you'll see how many I now have as you continue onward.
3. At 6:45am I get out of my car and wait in line (right now freezing my ever lovin' ass off) in order to get a seat on the train.
4. 7am the train leaves for its city destination (with 4 stops in between). If it works out I get to sit with my best friend and others - sometimes her husband, sometimes our train friend.
5. The train arrives around 7:48am at the station and everyone files out and up the stairs.
6. Next I go back down different stairs to the bus tunnel and wait for whatever bus happens to come by first (or our light rail train, depending on what time I get across the street and down the stairs). Meanwhile, my best friend and her husband take a shuttle to the same end destination and catch it just up the street from where I take the light rail. The reason I can't do that is because they work for a different company and they check all employee badges at the door of the shuttle. My commute would be so much better if that were it, but no this is just the second stop on the way.
7. After the bus tunnel I then get off and have to go up out of the tunnel and walk to the streetcar stop. I normally just miss the 8am streetcar and so must wait for the 8:15am one.
8. The 8:15am streetcar comes and I take that to a block and a half away from my office building. I walk there and usually get to my desk at about 8:25am.
So that's just over 2 hours ONE WAY to work each day. I honestly try not to think about it or I think I would end up killing someone. And, that is just if everything runs smoothly, which it tends to not happen, somewhere in the chain of public transportation vehicles.
To get home, I hope like hell I catch the streetcar close to 4:40pm in order to get off the train by 6:40pm - and then drive to the gym (or home depending on my mood and what I remembered to bring with me that morning).
Why do I put up with this you ask? Well, apart from the fact that I must be slightly insane, I get paid the most I've ever been paid, have the best health benefits (which are much needed), I have a flexible schedule and can work from home if needed, and the work environment is the most open and friendly that I've ever been in. Every office has its politics, but overall I can see myself growing within the company for quite awhile.
Does this make up for the horrendous, almost life wrenching commute I go through each week? I hope so . . . because we plan on possibly moving farther away when we buy a house (but I'm trying like mad to get my husband to reconsider).
I would not wish this on my enemy, but I put myself through it each day. Luckily my boss and coworkers are understanding and know I'm going to have some crappy days because of my commute.
Teleportation cannot get here fast enough.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Five on Friday - Holidays are here!
1. Lunch with a coworker - My coworker asked if I wanted to get lunch and we walked to a cafe we wanted to try. It was nice to take some time out to talk and just relax before getting back to our busy day.
2. Shopping - I love to shop, either online or out and about. I don't get to do it much and do a lot of window shopping. It's nice to get to buy things instead of just looking.

4. Craft ideas - I am addicted to Pinterest

5. Free weekend!! - No hospital visits and no rehearsal or performances. It's a rare weekend for me.
I can't believe it's already December and we are 23 days away from Christmas! I hope things are going well for you :).
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Minority Report
I auditioned during the general auditions, meaning I could be called or cast for any of their shows for the upcoming season. I thought for certain after my audition that I was a different animal than what they wanted and would not hear back from them again. So, when I got an email saying I had gotten a call back I was surprised. Then, to find out it was for the Color Purple, I was shocked.
My first thought was, aren't I the wrong color for this show? I mean, I was being creative when I wrote down the parts I thought I could play, but I didn't think they would take it seriously. It was more a bold move at a new company that made me do it. Guess it's paying off lol.
Don't get me wrong, I was honored and delighted to get a call back - my first ever, actually. I was just puzzled as to why I made the cut, especially for this show.
Maybe they didn't have enough people so they had to be a little more creative? I went with that train of thought as the most feasible.
I was wrong. I got to the call back auditions and felt very much in the minority. I know I got a few stares from the people already there.
We did 2 scenes and a bit of singing. Overall it went well and I did what I could to do my best at the acting . . . the singing came pretty easily to me. Who knows if they will pick me for any part, but they must have had something in mind to call me back in to audition again. I'll let you know if I hear anything back from this whole experience.
There is a bit of a theme right now, first the Color Purple, next up is auditions for South Pacific - which is getting more and more racist as I research it.
I'm used to being a minority, and reveling in the fact that I am (half Taiwanese, half Scottish, fyi), but sometimes I feel we don't need to bring attention to that particular aspect of people. I dunno . . . maybe it's something some people think about all the time, but I kinda thought we were past separation like that.
Although, I'm finding in the the theatre world, everything is up for scrutiny.
Anyway, just thought I would write about this little experience. We'll see what comes out of it all :).
Friday, November 18, 2011
Five on Friday - The Return!

1. Voice Lessons - I think these do me better than any therapy session I could go through . . . but it is only the 2nd lesson I've been through.

3. Nailpolish - It may have taken me 4 days, but I finally painted my nails in the first time since I started rehearsals. I am also going to get my hair cut for the first time since then too. If you don't know, there are a few restrictions when you perform on stage.

Well, that's it for now. If I am around my computer this weekend I might write another blog or write more on my gamer girl background, but we'll see.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The long and short of it
I decided sometime between my last show, Camelot, and my current show that just ended, the Music Man, that I wanted to grow my hair out. I know, I know, why did I ever decide to do that? Well, I used to have really long hair in college and I really liked being able to do different styles with it. Thing is, I never really did anything with it apart from putting it in a ponytail. I remember telling one of the guys I sat next to in choir that I was thinking about cutting my hair and he reacted with complete shock, like it would be a complete travesty to think about cutting my hair short. My dad is also of the opinion that "his girls" should have long hair. Luckily, we both (my sister and I) have black hair (thank you Asian genes), but we also have wavy hair (thank you Scottish genes).
I did end up cutting my hair after that day in choir. I go from wanting my hair short to wanting it super long. I have tried and failed before at being patient and letting my hair grow, but I was super determined this year . . . plus, if you've read my past posts you know I've been super busy dealing with other things in my life.
So, after this last stint of performances my hair is not really at its best. I've started seeing split ends and frizziness is ruling my coif more often than I'd like. I have finally figured out how to get the waves to separate enough to look natural and cute (read - do not brush or comb between washings and wash only every other day or so). Now I just need to get it to look a little more polished.
Cue the search for a stylist. Everyone has someone they know or have heard about that is great. Unfortunately, my last few haircuts have been the free ones through Seven Salon and my last one was at a different training salon and took 3 hours to get a trim and side bangs. While the price was right, it took forever and instead of working with my waves she suggested I get a wave perm and ended up blow drying my hair straight for the final look. Not really what I was looking for.
I was looking online at all different types of salons and started looking at their "About Us" sections. Would you trust your hair to any of these people??
Is it just me or do they all look like they have the same haircuts in the same pictures?
Is it too much to ask to get my hair done for a reasonable price by someone who knows a little about my particular hair type and can help make it look good?
I don't know . . . maybe I'm thinking about it too much, but I've just had so many lackluster haircuts in the past that I don't want to ruin all the time I've spent waiting on my hair to grow. I just want a trim.
I'm am thinking about it too much. Maybe I need an adviser rather than a stylist.
Oh well, I'll post pics of before and after once I get it done. Just thought I would share my most recent personal dilemma.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Things are winding down . . . well hopefully
Since this is our last weekend of performances I *should* have more freetime to catch up on all the things I've been neglecting for the past 3 or 4 months. I will actually have time at home on the weekends . . . just in time for the holidays. Luckily the holiday season is not that busy for me and we can definitely use some quiet time right now. We're gearing up for my husband to get his surgery soon, so some quiet time is something we are both looking forward to.
I do have an audition coming up and one more potentially on the way, so it's not completely quiet. I also am starting voice lessons again and trying to get back to a regular exercise schedule. That will take up at least 3 days a week, if I slack off . . . which I know I will.
I still have 4 hours a day of commuting, so that eats up a lot of my time during the week.
What am I happiest to have back after this weekend? Sleeping in :)! I adore sleep and love staying up late, so during the week it eats at me to only have a few hours at home before I have to go to bed and then I only get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I am definitely looking forward to sleeping in and having nothing pressing on my schedule for the weekend. It makes all the difference in the world.
Anyway, I have to get ready to go to the theater for a performance, but I thought I would take a little time to be thankful for what is to come soon.
I hope everyone has a good weekend :). I'll post more interesting stuff soon :).
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A word from the "silent one"
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I AM the crazy cat lady
I recently found the blog Cat versus Human and it justified everything that is me regarding animals. I have been an avid cat lover since I was born, truly. My love of cats was specified by the fact that we had a blue
We have always had cats in my house and I only went for about a year without any animals in my domicile. However, during that time I did work at a veterinary hospital, so I was in contact with animals still.
Funny thing . . . I found out right after my time working at the veterinary hospital that I am allergic to both cats and dogs, but I continue to have animals in my life (and just take meds to live with them).
Right now I have 3 wonderful Siamese cats that rule my life. But that's not all. We also have 2 guinea pigs. If you have never seen guinea pigs and cats together you should - it's a fun time :). We let our guinea pigs roam around free sometimes, but they mostly stay in their cages.
Here's the rundown of the pets in our household right now:
Vader (Darth) - black male guinea pig
Fett (Boba) - tan & white male guinea pig
Ayanami Rei (Mama) - lynx point female Siamese
Cortex (Dad) - seal point male Siamese
Inara (Daughter) - lynx point female Siamese.
We have a busy house, just as I have a busy life. I wouldn't have it any other way though - much to my husband's dismay sometimes.
But that's not all. Well, that's all there is right now, but in the past we have also had frogs, anoles, and bearded dragons. In the future, when we have a house of our own instead of living in apartments and with other people, we want a dog (Pembroke Welsh Corgi to be specific) and a Russian tortoise. Our house will be a menagerie where people can come to be surrounded by animals - or so I joke now. I think we will always be outnumbered animals to humans, but not having any just isn't as interesting or fun of a life.
I hope this give some insight to why I am a complete and total cat lady. Cheesy Bloggers really doesn't know what they have gotten themselves into asking about my pets lol :). I'll let you know if our menagerie ever truly gets going.
Whirlwind indeed . . .
For those of you who are just joining me - I implore you to please stick it out for just about a week and I will get back to more frequent blogs and my regular scheduled "Five on Fridays" posts. I have a lot of things brewing in my mind and in my life. If I could, I would write 2 - 3 blogs a day, but I think that would be a little too much information - I do need to sensor myself sometimes :).
Anyway, a little about me, for those who are new to this blog:
Music is my passion - I have my Bachelor's of Music Arts and have been singing for many years. I currently am in a production of the Music Man and have a callback for the Color Purple, the musical later this month. I hope to get back to voice lessons and continue to grow in my performances. Music is what I do and who I am. I went away from it for a few years and my life suffered for it. I hope to have more posts about growing in my art and getting back to the Diva I once was and hope to be.
My husband has an incurable, debilitating disease: Diabetic Gastroparesis. I don't get too in depth with what he goes through, but I find that it helps me get through things to write about some of what goes on because of it. My husband is a private person, so I try not to divulge too much, but it's a daily part of my life and part of all of my decisions and thoughts, so it sometimes gets onto blog posts.
I work as an administrative assistant/project coordinator - I have a M-F, 9am-5pm job that provides the funds for the above 2 things. It's not glamorous, but it does get me a lot of the things I need in my life. I have good coworkers, but also the usual office politics as well.
I am a gamer/raver girl who reverts back to her early twenties every once in awhile - I have responsibilities and people counting on me, so I've had to limit my gamer/raver tendencies in my life. Check out the first installment about my gamer background to see where it all started. I will do part 2 and 3 soon, I promise.
I am a crazy cat lady lol - seriously, just ask J . . . she was around when I had 6 (yes 6) siamese kitties, all from one family. I'm hoping to write a blog regarding this for Cheesy Bloggers because my animals are my babies - as irritating as they can be, I love them so much.
Overall I am a busy, busy, woman who tries to find the good things in life that keep me going. I am easily amused and hope that I am not the only one who finds the things I do interesting.
I hope you continue to read my blog and, like I said, stay with me until after this weekend where I will get back to a more normal schedule. Feel free to look through my past posts and comment - I would love to hear from you!
Thanks for visiting! I truly appreciate it!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tattoos and piercings belong to the weirdos . . . and I'm one of them
I overheard a conversation between a mother and son at the gas station yesterday. It struck me as odd, but at the same time it was really familiar. It's amazing what a couple decades can do to a person's outlook.
Here's the scenario:
A teenage boy is talking with his mom while she is paying for his gas. She is telling him that she wants him to be safe and be good, stuff like that. During this talk she says that she doesn't want to see him getting any piercings or tattoos because it will ruin his future and his chances at being a success. Meanwhile, I am standing on the other side of the same pump with a lip ring in, listening to this whole exchange happen. The boy appeases his mother by saying he understands and they part ways soon after.
There was a part of me that wanted to interject and let the boy know that even though I am a tattooed and pierced "outcast", I make quite a decent salary at a job that is professional and successful. It made me chuckle listening to the mom be so "suburban" in a time such as this. When I think about all of my friends that I grew up with who now have tattoos and piercing, yet still have successful careers it just makes me laugh a little. According to this woman we would probably all be seen as tattooed and pierced freaks of society that contribute nothing and waste resources . . . or something like that.
Here's what I envision she is thinking while she is talking to her son:

Here is what is standing on the other side of the gas pump from her:
I was a little infuriated when I first heard the conversation, but it has since turned to amusement. I am now living back where I essentially grew up - white bread, suburban Washington and it's amazing to me how much my views were initially shaped and eventually strayed from this area of the world. I haven't lived here my whole life, but it was a lot of what I grew up in. I find the conversation amusing because I can imagine a time when my dad would have said something very similar to me. He was very upset when I got my first tattoo when I was 19 and visibly disappointed when I came home with my lip pierced when I was 22. To this day I'm sure he doesn't have a clue about the other tattoos and piercings I have . . . and I'm fine with keeping it that way.
Overall it honestly doesn't make a difference how we choose to modify our bodies, if we do at all. What matters is what we do with who we are. People can determine their own preconceived notions about me all they want, but if they really want to know who I am they just need to talk to me. If my piercings and tattoos scare them off, then I probably don't want to talk to them anyways.
It was like I stepped into a time machine and went back to when I was a teenager. The whole incident surprised me how much the place I grew up in has stayed the same over the years, despite how much I have changed.
Keep an open mind and see what happens :).
P.S. Here's another pic of a beautiful tattooed and pierced woman - for sticking with me on this journey (and because I thought she was pretty)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Life is for the living . . . and boy am I living
1. Job position title change from Administrative Assistant to Project Coordinator
2. Title change also came with a promotion :)
3. The Music Man shows have been full force and lots of fun.
We are now on hiatus with the Music Man, so I have a bit of down time - which is good since now I have a ton of responsibilities at work.
These are not new responsibilities, just now people are taking notice of all the things I actually do. I have to be accountable for my actions now instead of experimenting with what I can and cannot do. I love having an active day at work, but it does cut into the downtime I used to have to look at things online and blog. Plus since we moved I now have a 2 hour commute (one way) each day. It all adds up to not much freetime.
I feel like I get no time to keep up with my friends. I'm not even on Facebook as much so I miss out on updates (whichever ones I get with the new format). One good thing about my long commute is getting to ride the train with my best friend each morning. We both have busy lives (she has a family on top of work, unlike me) and even though we work a building away from each other we both have new responsibilities and lots to do, so it's nice that we get a chance to catch up each morning. It's nice to be able to hang out again after so many years of knowing each other. We've had our rough patch where we didn't speak, but having husbands that are best friends kind of stopped that from continuing - and I'm so glad it did.
I get emails of great deals on places to vacation and things to do around the area and ever since this summer (and probably before that) I've dreamed of actually going on one of those . . . but that will have to wait. My closest prospect is taking time off to be up north for our next performances of the Music Man. Last time I stayed in a super cold cabin on the islands, but this time it's looking like I'll be staying on a couch at a friend's. We'll see how that goes. I'm super thankful I even have the option of staying somewhere because the drive killed my car last time and I don't have the money to stay at a hotel, but it is quite a change for me to deal with, especially right now.
At any rate, I will try to update things more often while I have some time away from performances and other things. I'm trying to get back into exercising and hoping to get back into voice lessons too, but time and money are a real issue these days, so here's to hoping it all works out. Speaking of time, I need to hit the shower before it gets too late. I switched to taking them at night since I just cannot get myself to wake up any earlier in the morning.
That's it for now . . . which is probably just barely skimming the surface. More later :).
Friday, September 30, 2011
The reality - I'm tired and a little cranky today . . .
This is going to be a serious one, so read at your own risk.
My husband is in the hospital for the 10th time in as many months. I could go on a complete tirade about the health care system and how inconceivable (inconthevable! tee hee) it is, but I won't.
I am going on 3 hours of sleep and I think stress is what is pushing me along right now. I had an idea of a long blog I wanted to write, but I'm running out of steam, so I'll try to keep it coherent, at least, at this point.
I read this blog after seeing the suggestion on it's so FUZZY and it occured to me . . . my life has sorta forced me to live this way already. I totally see where the author is going with this, but my first reaction was that there are some people out there that will take it too far. Maybe it's because I'm around someone who does just that and I've had to separate myself from this person lately, but I feel there needs to be a distinction between being real and complaining about your life.
Don't get me wrong - I am in complete agreement with taking away perfection and being real with everyone, I just think it needs to be clear where real ends and complaining begins. It's one thing to let someone know how difficult a time you are having dealing with a hurtful spouse, it is quite another to complain about how your spouse is not doing what you think they should. Or, it's one thing to be honest about your insecurities, it is another thing to point out all the "flaws" you have in hopes that people will tell you there's nothing wrong. Talking about your problems to someone who cares is not the same as talking about everything wrong in your life to the person who will listen. See what I'm talking about?
Having someone who is chronically ill and there is nothing I can do really makes me rethink what is worth my time and what is not. It also has made me get to the point a lot faster because I don't have time to be discreet. I don't want to spend time trying to figure out what will offend someone and what doesn't - BUT that doesn't mean I don't care about other people and are not mindful of how I affect those around me. I care deeply for those in my life and appreciate the time I get to spend with them. If anything, my life right now makes me really take notice of what is going on in the lives of my friends and family and truly care about how they are doing.
People just want to know they are not alone . . . that's what it comes down to. For me it takes talking to those I know about what is really going on in my life and hearing what is going on in theirs. Maybe that's why Facebook works so well for me. I get to know what is going on in all my friends lives everyday and can tell them what is going on in mine. It lets me spend time with friends even when I'm busy dealing with horrible doctors and uncomfortable chairs.
I want to expand on this topic more, but didn't want to let it get too far away from when the original blog was posted.
It's amazing how quickly things can change in our lives and how quickly we see everything differently.
Be real and be caring . . . we're not perfect, but if we are true and honest it won't matter.
Thanks again for your time. Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Five on Friday - Double dose in double time!
1. Prayer
2. Internet
3. Inside Jokes
4. Costumes
5. Acne treatments
6. Free refills
7. Cubicle mates
8. Water
9. My bed
10. Sleeping in
I'm off to a dress rehearsal for The Music Man! It opens this weekend and I'm super excited to get all of this started.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Five on Friday
1. Farmers' Market - Every Thursday there is a small farmers' market outside my work. It is literally right across the street from our front door. It's an extension of the Pike Place Market with local growers setup during the day. I love to get the $5 - $10 bouquets they have every week. Right now the dahlias are in season and the bouquets are beautiful. Yesterday I ended up with 2 bouquets - a $5 I bought and a HUGE one that my husband bought for me :). I kept the one I got at work and took the big one home. It was so large I had to split it up into 2 vases. They are now sitting in my bathroom and make me smile everytime I go in there.
2. Spoiling my cats - My cats are my fur babies, as much as I dislike describing them that way. I love them so much and am so glad they are in my life. We went shopping yesterday to get all the supplies we needed now that we've moved. They got new collars (after they took off the cheap ones we got a couple weeks ago), a fountain water dish (they like running water) and a food dish with a timer (because they need to lose weight). I get so much joy in seeing them play around in their new area and just want to make them as comfortable as possible.
3. Train rides with friends - Now that we have moved I have a longer commute to and from work. We are closer to our best friends though, and they work in the buildings next to mine, so it works out well. I've gotten a chance to ride the morning train in with my friend twice this week and it's so good to talk and catch up.
4. Warm weather - I have used sunshine and blue skies already, so I thought I would put warm weather this time to encompass these beautiful summer days. I love sunny, warm weather and they are definitely here right now.
5. New stuff - Now that we've moved we have a little bit of extra funds. It still goes quickly, but it's been nice to be able to get some not so necessary things.
Well, it's been a busy, whirlwind type of week for me. Even though it was a long weekend and short week, it was chocked full of a lot of things to do. Here's to the weekend!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
a beautiful sunny day :)
For the love of blogs has a picture blog up right now and I just wanted to show a fun and sunny picture I took.
Enjoy the sun while it's around :)!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Five on Friday - Labor Day Weekend edition
It's been another tough week, so I need to really appreciate what I do have. Here's my list for this week of what I am thankful for:
1. Wilfred - if you haven't heard of this show and have a strange sense of humor (or one similar to mine) I highly recommend seeing this show. It's our show not to miss during the week (even though I missed this week's, but we'll catch up). It's on Thursdays at 10pm on FX and I am shocked at what they get away with on this show. Plus, it was adapted from an Australian show and the main character is played by the same actor for both shows. From what I can tell both renditions are still aired on tv. Check it out, seriously. It's hilarious.
2. Red State - Okay, so I haven't seen it yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie. Hopefully I can get internet up and running so I can see it soon.

3. Chrysanthemums - I bought some pretty mums the other day for one of my new managers for a welcome present. I'm not sure if he will actually take care of them, but I really liked how they looked.
4. NO RENT!! - We have officially moved out and when my 1st of the month check hit my account this week it was awesome to know that I didn't have to automatically turn it around and pay rent. We also got most of our deposit back yesterday when we did our final walkthrough. It is lovely not to feel broke right at the beginning of the month.
5. Nostalg

So there you have it for this week. Added bonus - 6. Labor day weekend!!!
Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!
Popular, you're gonna be pop-u-lar
Elphie,now that we're friends, I've decided to make you my new project!
you really don't have to do that...
I know, that's what makes me so nice!
whenever I see someone less fortunate than I,
and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I?
my tender heart tends to start to bleed.
and when someone needs a makeover,
I simply have to take over!
I know I know exactly what they need!
and even in your case,
though it's the toughest case I've yet to face,
don't worry, I'm determined to succeed!
follow my lead,
and yes indeed, you will be...
POPULAR! you're gonna be popular!
I'll teach you the proper ploys,
when you talk to boys,
little ways to flirt and flounce, ooh!
I'll show you what shoes to wear!
how to fix your hair!
everthing that really counts to be...
POPULAR! I'll help you be popular!
you'll hang with the right cohorts,
you'll be good at sports,
know the slang you've got to know.
so let's start,
'cause you've got an awfully long way to go!
don't be offended by my frank analysis,
think of it as personality dialysis,
now that I've chosen to become a
pal, a sister and advisor,
there's nobody wiser!
not when it comes to...
POPULAR! I know about popular.
and with an assist from me,
to be who you'll be,
instead of dreary who you were...uh, are.
there's nothing that can stop you,
from becoming populur... lar...
la la, la la!
we're gonna make you pop-u-lar!
when I see depressing creatures,
with unprepossessing features,
I remind them on their own behalf
to - think - of
celebrated heads of state,
or 'specially great communicators!
did they have brains or knowledge?
don't make me laugh!
they were POPULAR!
please! it's all about popular.
it's not about aptitude,
it's the way you're viewed,
so it's very shrewd to be,
very very popular like ME!
why, miss Elphaba, look at you.
you're beautiful!
I, I have to go...
you're welcome...
and though you protest,
your disinterest,
I know clandestinly,
you're gonna' grin and bear it!
you're new found popularity!
la la, la la!
you'll be popular!
just not quite as popular as ME!
Okay, this was a long introduction for my blog, but when I saw the Cheesy Bloggers theme of "popularity" I automatically thought of this song. In fact, I sing it in my head anytime someone says the word popular. It also helps set the scene for my thoughts on popularity.
I've read a couple of the blogs on this topic through Cheesy Bloggers and it seems like most of us were not in the popular crowd in school. It also looks like we kind of got over our need to be popular once we left the school scene and continued on to our lives. I think that is also mostly true for me. I do have a different aspect in my life than most of the friends I have or bloggers of the blogs I've read. I am a part of a culture that makes its business on getting people to notice them and acknowledge them as something special. If that doesn't happen, everything that they work for is for nothing. In essence, if something isn't popular, it is a failure. The culture I'm talking about is the musical theatre crowd.
I was writing a long explanation of how I got into the musical theatre arena, but that was turning into a book, so I decided to rewrite my thoughts a bit.
Where I went to school it was a big deal to be in choir . . . not like you see on Glee where they are outcasts. We also weren't like Glee in the aspect of a show choir either,we were just a large choir in velvet robes and satin sashes. We were not the outcasts; we were the people everyone wanted to talk to and get to know. I had a strange experience in High School when I was in Concert Choir (the highest auditioned choir in High School) where someone said they knew me and knew about me and I had never talked to them before. It was strange to think that people wanted to know about me just because I was a singer.
This only helped me when I entered college and had to audition for the college choir. I got my degree in Music Arts, but when I began college I was a Music Ed major. I had to be in choir and the top choir was what I and many other students aspired to be a part of. The people in that choir were the rock stars of the music community. I hated getting into the all girl choir as a freshman and sophomore. Then I tried out as an alto OR soprano my junior year and suddenly skipped over the intermediate choir and got to become a “rock star” for the next 3 years (I went to college for 6 years for my BMA, which is a whole other story). I became one of the “popular” girls for the second time in my academic life, but I was an outcast within the popular crowd, if that makes any sense. So even though I have been in the popular arena I still felt out of place and separated from it all.
Fast forward to now – I am part of my second musical theatre production with the same company. I have not gotten a specific role yet, but I’m working to get that accomplished. I’m on “the other side of the fence” these days when it comes to being a musician . . . meaning I’m older than most leads are in the theatre. I’m “over the hill” so to speak . . . although I still have a lot to do in order to reach my prime singing potential. The popularity that I experienced in school translates to the stage so well. It becomes almost political in nature. It’s like popularity on steroids in the music business. Especially for women and absolutely especially for women sopranos. It’s who you know and how you’re regarded that makes a lot of difference. I have to put in my time being in the background in order to get noticed enough to be brought forward. It hasn’t happened yet, but almost. I just have to keep plugging away.
All in all I’ve had my ups and downs with being popular, but would have never considered myself that. In retrospect, if I would have just realized I was popular in my circles it might have gotten me farther . . . or I might have been more mischievous than I was, but it’s probably better that I wasn’t.
I consider myself a gamer girl with a passion for music more than anything else. And I guess that’s all that counts in the end.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Five in Friday

2. New work responsibilities - while this might be a not so good thing, it's a good thing right now because it is stretching my abilities and making me feel like I accomplish things during the day rather than waiting around for something to do.
3. Meeting new people - again, because of the changes in my job, and again, could be a not so good thing, but not in this case. Because I have new responsibilities I'm meeting new people at work and getting to talk about my interests and who I am. It really makes me feel I'm going in the right direction after all.
4. Free Food - I'm kinda suffering from long term memory loss (not really) and only thinking about what is right infront of me, but I found some free food today just when I was feeling hungry. With everything going on I certainly could save some $$ and this came at the right time.

Well, I should get some things done before I have to jet to rehearsal and cleaning later tonight.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Always a duckling, never a swan.

This week's Cheesy Bloggers theme is called, "Watch Your Step," and I wanted to write about a clumsy situation to commiserate with my fellow accident prone people.
Growing up I was always the girl who tried her hardest to sit up straight and walk with purpose, or so I thought. Looking back I probably looked pretty silly, making such an event of just walking from one point to the next, but it seemed so important to me then. I would strive to be a beautiful swan gliding gracefully through the playground during recess when I probably looked more like a clumsy duck waddling my way to the four-square area.
As I got older, becoming a soprano in the choir did not help my delusions of gracefulness. We were always told to sit up straight and express the music to reach the audience. While the facial expression in class and voice lessons helped me show my feelings on my face, the posture and demeanor only furthered my plight to be a graceful princess.
Instead of all my efforts showcasing me as a beautiful statueque woman, it turned out to make me look like a clumsy, regularly bruised person. I still have my "feminine wiles" about me, I've just come to the realization that I may not be as graceful and effortless looking as I think. This is punctuated by the fact that my husband reminds me of how not graceful I am. He means no harm, but he has made some effort in the past to point out how truly clumsy I am.
I don't have a specific story of my clumsiness that I can think of, but I do tend to drop anything that shouldn't be dropped, hit my head on things that are clearly in the way, and run into things that I could have easily avoided.
For some reason I have slight depth perception problems. I tend to take corners too sharp and hit my shoulders on the door frame. I almost always hit my head on any cabinet door that is above me, no matter how often I remind myself that it is there. I stub my toe on corners all the time. My husband actually took our bed frame apart and built a different one so I would stop bumping my hip on the foot board every night before getting into bed lol. I have also been known to trip over my own feet and snag my foot in my pants.
Being a part of the musical theater community now I know quite a few dancers. I no longer see ballerinas as such graceful creatures, but do still wonder how they can maneuver around so easily and without harm. Oh well, such is my life of aspiring to be graceful and settling for just not bumping into things.